The Get Sculpted Podcast
Start Sculpting
your 2.0 self.
5 Steps to Optimize Your Metabolism to Stay Lean for Life
Are you tired of the endless loop of crash dieting and feeling like you're fighting an endless battle with your metabolism? You’re not alone – people often approach weight loss by severely restricting calories and doing endless cardio, only to find themselves right back where they started–or worse!
Never Diet Again: Healing Your Relationship with Food
Are you ready to heal your relationship with food once and for all? Join us for this transformative episode to break free from the soul-crushing cycle of yo-yo dieting. Jordanna, Tijana, and Marilynn reveal why traditional diets sabotage your progress and destroy your confidence.
How Undereating and Overtraining are Sabotaging Your Goals
Today, we’re discussing undereating and overtraining—two of the most common obstacles women face in reaching their fitness goals.
What it Really Takes to Build Your 2.0 Self
Some statistics show that 80% of people will regain the weight they lose on a diet. Short-term goals might work temporarily, but a holistic fitness lifestyle can unlock the sustainable body transformation goals you've been dreaming about (and struggling with) for years. But transformation doesn't begin with diet and nutrition - it begins from the inside out, starting with your mindset, your beliefs, and your relationship with your body.